Source code for telnetlib3.accessories

"""Accessory functions."""
# std imports
import pkg_resources
import importlib
import logging
import asyncio

__all__ = ('encoding_from_lang', 'name_unicode', 'eightbits', 'make_logger',
           'repr_mapping', 'function_lookup', 'make_reader_task')

def get_version():
    return pkg_resources.get_distribution("telnetlib3").version

[docs]def encoding_from_lang(lang): """ Parse encoding from LANG environment value. Example:: >>> encoding_from_lang('en_US.UTF-8@misc') 'UTF-8' """ encoding = lang if '.' in lang: _, encoding = lang.split('.', 1) if '@' in encoding: encoding, _ = encoding.split('@', 1) return encoding
[docs]def name_unicode(ucs): """Return 7-bit ascii printable of any string. """ # more or less the same as curses.ascii.unctrl -- but curses # module is conditionally excluded from many python distributions! bits = ord(ucs) if 32 <= bits <= 126: # ascii printable as one cell, as-is rep = chr(bits) elif bits == 127: rep = "^?" elif bits < 32: rep = "^" + chr(((bits & 0x7f) | 0x20) + 0x20) else: rep = r'\x{:02x}'.format(bits) return rep
[docs]def eightbits(number): """ Binary representation of ``number`` padded to 8 bits. Example:: >>> eightbits(ord('a')) '0b01100001' """ # useful only so far in context of a forwardmask or any bitmask. prefix, value = bin(number).split('b') return '0b%0.8i' % (int(value),)
_DEFAULT_LOGFMT = ' '.join(('%(asctime)s', '%(levelname)s', '%(filename)s:%(lineno)d', '%(message)s'))
[docs]def make_logger(name, loglevel='info', logfile=None, logfmt=_DEFAULT_LOGFMT): """Create and return simple logger for given arguments.""" lvl = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper()) logging.getLogger().setLevel(lvl) _cfg = {'format': logfmt} if logfile: _cfg['filename'] = logfile logging.basicConfig(**_cfg) return logging.getLogger(name)
[docs]def repr_mapping(mapping): """Return printable string, 'key=value [key=value ...]' for mapping.""" return ' '.join('='.join(map(str, kv)) for kv in mapping.items())
[docs]def function_lookup(pymod_path): """Return callable function target from standard module.function path.""" module_name, func_name = pymod_path.rsplit('.', 1) module = importlib.import_module(module_name) shell_function = getattr(module, func_name) assert callable(shell_function), shell_function return shell_function
[docs]def make_reader_task(reader, size=2**12): """Return asyncio task wrapping coroutine of""" return asyncio.ensure_future(