Source code for telnetlib3.client_base

"""Module provides class BaseClient."""
import logging
import datetime
import traceback
import asyncio
import weakref
import sys

from .stream_writer import TelnetWriter, TelnetWriterUnicode
from .stream_reader import TelnetReader, TelnetReaderUnicode
from .telopt import name_commands

__all__ = ('BaseClient',)

[docs]class BaseClient(asyncio.streams.FlowControlMixin, asyncio.Protocol): """Base Telnet Client Protocol.""" _when_connected = None _last_received = None _transport = None _closing = False _reader_factory = TelnetReader _reader_factory_encoding = TelnetReaderUnicode _writer_factory = TelnetWriter _writer_factory_encoding = TelnetWriterUnicode def __init__(self, shell=None, log=None, loop=None, encoding='utf8', encoding_errors='strict', force_binary=False, connect_minwait=1.0, connect_maxwait=4.0, limit=None, waiter_closed=None, _waiter_connected=None): """Class initializer.""" super().__init__(loop=loop) self.log = log or logging.getLogger('telnetlib3.client') self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() #: encoding for new connections self.default_encoding = encoding self._encoding_errors = encoding_errors self.force_binary = force_binary self._extra = dict() self.waiter_closed = waiter_closed or asyncio.Future() #: a future used for testing self._waiter_connected = _waiter_connected or asyncio.Future() self._tasks = [] = shell #: minimum duration for :meth:`check_negotiation`. self.connect_minwait = connect_minwait #: maximum duration for :meth:`check_negotiation`. self.connect_maxwait = connect_maxwait self.reader = None self.writer = None self._limit = limit # Base protocol methods
[docs] def eof_received(self): """Called when the other end calls write_eof() or equivalent.""" self.log.debug('EOF from server, closing.') self.connection_lost(None)
[docs] def connection_lost(self, exc): """ Called when the connection is lost or closed. :param Exception exc: exception. ``None`` indicates a closing EOF sent by this end. """ if self._closing: return self._closing = True # inform yielding readers about closed connection if exc is None:'Connection closed to %s', self) self.reader.feed_eof() else:'Connection lost to %s: %s', self, exc) self.reader.set_exception(exc) # cancel protocol tasks, namely on-connect negotiations for task in self._tasks: task.cancel() # close transport (may already be closed), set waiter_closed and # cancel Future _waiter_connected. self._transport.close() if not self._waiter_connected.done(): # strangely, for symmetry, our '_waiter_connected' must be set if # we are disconnected before negotiation may be considered # complete. We set waiter_closed, and any function consuming # the StreamReader will receive eof. self._waiter_connected.set_result(weakref.proxy(self)) if is None: # when a shell is defined, we allow the completion of the coroutine # to set the result of waiter_closed. self.waiter_closed.set_result(weakref.proxy(self)) # break circular references. self._transport = None
[docs] def connection_made(self, transport): """ Called when a connection is made. Ensure ``super().connection_made(transport)`` is called when derived. """ self._transport = transport self._when_connected = self._last_received = reader_factory = self._reader_factory writer_factory = self._writer_factory reader_kwds = {'loop': self._loop} writer_kwds = {'loop': self._loop} if self.default_encoding: reader_kwds['fn_encoding'] = self.encoding writer_kwds['fn_encoding'] = self.encoding reader_kwds['encoding_errors'] = self._encoding_errors writer_kwds['encoding_errors'] = self._encoding_errors reader_factory = self._reader_factory_encoding writer_factory = self._writer_factory_encoding if self._limit: reader_kwds['limit'] = self._limit self.reader = reader_factory(**reader_kwds) self.writer = writer_factory( transport=transport, protocol=self, reader=self.reader, client=True, log=self.log, **writer_kwds)'Connected to %s', self) self._waiter_connected.add_done_callback(self.begin_shell) self._loop.call_soon(self.begin_negotiation)
def begin_shell(self, result): if is not None: coro =, self.writer) if asyncio.iscoroutine(coro): # When a shell is defined as a coroutine, we must ensure # that self.waiter_closed is not closed until the shell # has had an opportunity to respond to EOF. Because # feed_eof() occurs in connection_lost(), we must allow # the event loop to return to our shell coroutine before # the waiter_closed future is set. # # We accomplish this by chaining the completion of the # shell future to set the result of the waiter_closed # future. fut = self._loop.create_task(coro) fut.add_done_callback( lambda fut_obj: self.waiter_closed.set_result(weakref.proxy(self)))
[docs] def data_received(self, data): """Process bytes received by transport.""" # This may seem strange; feeding all bytes received to the **writer**, # and, only if they test positive, duplicating to the **reader**. # # The writer receives a copy of all raw bytes because, as an IAC # interpreter, it may likely **write** a responding reply. self._last_received = cmd_received = False for byte in data: try: recv_inband = self.writer.feed_byte(bytes([byte])) except: self._log_exception(self.log.warning, *sys.exc_info()) else: if recv_inband: # forward to reader (shell). self.reader.feed_data(bytes([byte])) # becomes True if any out of band data is received. cmd_received = cmd_received or not recv_inband # until negotiation is complete, re-check negotiation aggressively # upon receipt of any command byte. if not self._waiter_connected.done() and cmd_received: self._check_negotiation_timer()
# public properties @property def duration(self): """Time elapsed since client connected, in seconds as float.""" return ( - self._when_connected).total_seconds() @property def idle(self): """Time elapsed since data last received, in seconds as float.""" return ( - self._last_received).total_seconds() # public protocol methods def __repr__(self): hostport = self.get_extra_info('peername')[:2] return '<Peer {0} {1}>'.format(*hostport)
[docs] def get_extra_info(self, name, default=None): """Get optional client protocol or transport information.""" return self._extra.get(name, self._transport._extra.get(name, default))
[docs] def begin_negotiation(self): """ Begin on-connect negotiation. A Telnet client is expected to send only a minimal amount of client session options immediately after connection, it is generally the server which dictates server option support. Deriving implementations should always call ``super().begin_negotiation()``. """ self._check_later = self._loop.call_soon(self._check_negotiation_timer) self._tasks.append(self._check_later)
[docs] def encoding(self, outgoing=False, incoming=False): """ Encoding that should be used for the direction indicated. The base implementation **always** returns ``encoding`` argument given to class initializer or, when unset (``None``), ``US-ASCII``. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument return self.default_encoding or 'US-ASCII' # pragma: no cover
[docs] def check_negotiation(self, final=False): """ Callback, return whether negotiation is complete. :param bool final: Whether this is the final time this callback will be requested to answer regarding protocol negotiation. :returns: Whether negotiation is over (client end is satisfied). :rtype: bool Method is called on each new command byte processed until negotiation is considered final, or after :attr:`connect_maxwait` has elapsed, setting the ``_waiter_connected`` attribute to value ``self`` when complete. This method returns False until :attr:`connect_minwait` has elapsed, ensuring the server may batch telnet negotiation demands without prematurely entering the callback shell. Ensure ``super().check_negotiation()`` is called and conditionally combined when derived. """ return (not any(self.writer.pending_option.values()) and # This particular state check is interesting; what we're trying # to allow is a period of time where the server may chose to # make demands in batches. Let us allow our protocol # negotiation enough time for such demands to be received. # # A better measurement of would be to use something like TM # (timing-mark) to measure the round-trip time, and double it # for this value. self.duration > self.connect_minwait)
# private methods def _check_negotiation_timer(self): self._check_later.cancel() self._tasks.remove(self._check_later) later = self.connect_maxwait - self.duration final = bool(later < 0) if self.check_negotiation(final=final): self.log.debug('negotiation complete after {:1.2f}s.' .format(self.duration)) self._waiter_connected.set_result(weakref.proxy(self)) elif final: self.log.debug('negotiation failed after {:1.2f}s.' .format(self.duration)) _failed = [name_commands(cmd_option) for (cmd_option, pending) in self.writer.pending_option.items() if pending] self.log.debug('failed-reply: {0!r}'.format(', '.join(_failed))) self._waiter_connected.set_result(weakref.proxy(self)) else: # keep re-queuing until complete. Aggressively re-queue until # connect_minwait, or connect_maxwait, whichever occurs next # in our time-series. sooner = self.connect_minwait - self.duration if sooner > 0: later = sooner self._check_later = self._loop.call_later( later, self._check_negotiation_timer) self._tasks.append(self._check_later) @staticmethod def _log_exception(logger, e_type, e_value, e_tb): rows_tbk = [line for line in '\n'.join(traceback.format_tb(e_tb)).split('\n') if line] rows_exc = [line.rstrip() for line in traceback.format_exception_only(e_type, e_value)] for line in rows_tbk + rows_exc: logger(line)