
Special Line Character support for Telnet Linemode Option (RFC 1184).

generate_slctab(tabset={b'\x01': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x02': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x03': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x04': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x05': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x06': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x07': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x08': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\t': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\n': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x0b': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x0c': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\r': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x0e': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x0f': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x10': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC object>, b'\x11': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC_nosupport object>, b'\x12': <telnetlib3.slc.SLC_nosupport object>})[source]

Returns full ‘SLC Tab’ for definitions found using tabset. Functions not listed in tabset are set as SLC_NOSUPPORT.

class Linemode(mask=b'\x00')[source]

A mask of LMODE_MODE_LOCAL means that all line editing is performed on the client side (default). A mask of theNULL () indicates that editing is performed on the remote side. Valid bit flags of mask are: LMODE_MODE_TRAPSIG, LMODE_MODE_ACK, LMODE_MODE_SOFT_TAB, and LMODE_MODE_LIT_ECHO.

property local

True if linemode is local.

property remote

True if linemode is remote.

property trapsig

True if signals are trapped by client.

property ack

Returns True if mode has been acknowledged.

property soft_tab

Returns True if client will expand horizontal tab ( ).

property lit_echo

Returns True if non-printable characters are displayed as-is.

snoop(byte, slctab, slc_callbacks)[source]

Scan slctab for matching byte values.

Returns (callback, func_byte, slc_definition) on match. Otherwise, (None, None, None). If no callback is assigned, the value of callback is always None.

generate_forwardmask(binary_mode, tabset, ack=False)[source]

Generate a Forwardmask instance.

Generate a 32-byte (binary_mode is True) or 16-byte (False) Forwardmask instance appropriate for the specified slctab. A Forwardmask is formed by a bitmask of all 256 possible 8-bit keyboard ascii input, or, when not ‘outbinary’, a 16-byte 7-bit representation of each value, and whether or not they should be “forwarded” by the client on the transport stream

class Forwardmask(value, ack=False)[source]

Forwardmask object using the bytemask value received by server.


value (bytes) – bytemask value received by server after IAC SB LINEMODE DO FORWARDMASK. It must be a bytearray of length 16 or 32.


Returns list of strings describing obj as a tabular ASCII map.


Given an SLC byte, return global mnemonic as string.